Since our inception in 2002, our customers’ well-being is at the center of everything we do. COVID-19 has presented everyone with unprecedented challenges related to health and wellness, and we are committed to doing our part to continue keeping both our team members and customers safe. Here are a few of our internal changes made based on guidelines from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization. |

1. All management meetings are being held remotely by calling a conference line. No team meetings will take place in our conference room until we have further instructions regarding social distancing.
2. All crew member morning huddles take place outside where there is plenty of room to spread out and communicate at a safe distance with plenty of air circulation.
3. We no longer accept visitors into our office locations to ensure our capacity does not exceed ten persons and to reduce exposure to pathogens. All account services and transactions will take place digitally or through traditional mail carriers.
4. All team members are encouraged to work from home as needed on whatever tasks are applicable.
5. We are encouraging team members to eliminate handshakes and high fives completely. We understand that hands and coughs are believed to be the main
vectors of the virus and want to advocate as much distance as possible between team members and customers during this time to limit contamination.
6. In ad​dition to fully stocking all onsite facilities with the necessary soap and sanitizing materials, each crew has hand sanitizers and disinfecting wipes to keep in their trucks. Team members wipe down all their equipment, door handles, and wash and sanitize hands between servicing each property.
7. We distributed a symptom checklist to each team member to help them quickly and effectively identify if they (or someone they know) may be exposed to the virus.
8. We have assigned individual hand tools to each team member to limit the spread of pathogens.
9. We encourage team members to take whatever sick leave is necessary and reinforce that their health and safety is always top of mind.
We know the weeks ahead will require additional updates and will continue to focus on ways to keep you and our crew members safe. |