“Didn’t Your Momma Tell You NOT To Cut Your Own Hair???”
Horrified.That’s the only word to describe what I was feeling. I was standing in my older daughter’s bathroom and seeing my 3 year old’s HAIR in the bathroom sink! Savannah had found a pair of scissors and chopped off her bangs and the left side of her hair. “Momma, look! I’m so pretty!!!” I managed to muster a weak smile. Of course, Preschool pictures were the next day…which meant —
Savannah Renate Warner- Age 3
I share this story to you to remind you that cutting your own hair is never a good idea. It’s “Mommy Rule #326” – “Don’t cut your own hair, or you’ll look like a Cyclops”. And you’d probably never dream of cutting your own hair- that’s why you have a professional hair stylist do it. You know, the ones who went to school to learn how to do it right…. Then allow me to ask you a question. If we aren’t supposed to cut our own hair….why do we trim our own bushes and shrubs???? It’s a fair question. Just think about it for a minute. Your home/business is typically your largest investment. Landscaping is considered to be as important to the re-sale value of your home as your kitchen or bathroom. The risks are great. Besides your bushes/shrubs/trees looking “wonky”, you risk it health, its ability to bloom, and could indeed kill it. That’s why, you should only trust a professional who is trained and has the right skill set to do it right. Meet Noah.