“Didn’t Your Momma Tell You NOT To Cut Your Own Hair???”

“Didn’t Your Momma Tell You NOT To Cut Your Own Hair???”


That’s the only word to describe what I was feeling. I was standing in my older daughter’s bathroom and seeing my 3 year old’s HAIR in the bathroom sink! Savannah had found a pair of scissors and chopped off her bangs and the left side of her hair. “Momma, look! I’m so pretty!!!” I managed to muster a weak smile. Of course, Preschool pictures were the next day…which meant —


Savannah Renate Warner- Age 3

I share this story to you to remind you that cutting your own hair is never a good idea. It’s “Mommy Rule #326” – “Don’t cut your own hair, or you’ll look like a Cyclops”. And you’d probably never dream of cutting your own hair- that’s why you have a professional hair stylist do it. You know, the ones who went to school to learn how to do it right…. Then allow me to ask you a question. If we aren’t supposed to cut our own hair….why do we trim our own bushes and shrubs???? It’s a fair question. Just think about it for a minute. Your home/business is typically your largest investment. Landscaping is considered to be as important to the re-sale value of your home as your kitchen or bathroom. The risks are great. Besides your bushes/shrubs/trees looking “wonky”, you risk it health, its ability to bloom, and could indeed kill it. That’s why, you should only trust a professional who is trained and has the right skill set to do it right. Meet Noah. elite-noah may   Noah May has worked for Elite for over two years. This hard-working, quiet , family man is our Detail Foreman and is one of our best-kept secrets. Noah’s skill has been described as “Precise”, “Professional”, and yes- even “Wicked.” He is truly one of the reasons Elite has the reputation for excellence (and he’s one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet!) So Spring has Sprung…or is “springing” this weekend. And what have we learned today? This Momma is telling you “Don’t Cut Your Own Shrubs.” The 2013 Growing Season has “officially” begun. DON’T cut your own shrubs or bushes. Protect your investment by hiring the best. REQUEST A QUOTE TODAY!                                                                                                                            –Shannon Warner