Walk Through Our Consultation Process: The Dyson Project

For our outdoor living area company, a successful project is one that makes our clients fall in love with their outdoor space. Our consultation process ensures we fully understand your wishlist for your project before we get started so we can deliver you an outdoor space built just for you.

Today we are taking a deep dive into our consultation process to demonstrate our thoroughness and to showcase one of our projects: the Dyson project.

outdoor living area company

Outdoor Living Area Company Project Inquiry

When you inquire about starting a project with Milosi, this initiates our consultation process. We start by taking down all of your pertinent information and scheduling a meeting with our consultants. During an in-person consultation, we seek to give you a tailored quote on your request.

Outdoor Living Area Company Consultation

After receiving the important information about what you envision for your space, we then set a time to meet with you on your property to assess the situation. At the onset of every landscaping design or outdoor living design and installation project, we schedule an in-person consultation with our clients. During this initial meeting, we want to be able to sit down with you and get a good understanding of what your dream is for your outdoor space. We will determine your appetite for maintenance and entertaining, and will discuss what you like best about your property, how you want to use it and what times of day you want to be able to use it.

On our Dyson project, when we met with our clients to determine their wishlist for their property we found that they loved grilling and smoking. So an outdoor kitchen tailored for grilling, prep, and outdoor dining was one of the main focuses for the patio design.

patio company nashville

During our personal consultations, we are focused on listening to your vision and desires. We offer our professional advice, but always with the goal in mind of delivering you high-quality work and a final product you will love.

Outdoor Living Area Company Surveying

With the goals of your project in mind, next we will survey your property to assess property lines, grading, irrigation, and drainage. One benefit to working with Milosi on an outdoor project is that we are fully-licensed contractors who take a proactive approach to every project. Surveying allows us to make an accurate plan for your project, taking your dreams and making them possible in your space.

With the Dyson project, our outdoor living area company determined that the property had drastic elevation changes, which influenced our design. To create the outdoor seating and outdoor dining area our clients dreamed of, we used the elevation to our advantage. Playing to the property’s strengths, we created beautiful vistas at the best possible angles from the seating areas we designed.

outdoor living area company

The surveying process also allowed us to fully assess the property we are working on so we can maximize the impact of the project.

Outdoor Living Area Company Client Discussion

Project inquiry, on-site consultation, and surveying complete our consultation process. With the consultation process wrapped and a vision of the final project in our mind, we get to work on the design and build stages of your outdoor space. At this point, you can sit back and watch your outdoor living area company transform your space into what you’ve dreamed it would be. We are known as an elite landscape company for the craftsmanship and attention to detail we put into every project.

pondless water feature

Working with Milosi is an experience; everyone you meet from our outdoor living area company is dedicated to the successful completion of your project so you can better enjoy your outdoor space. If you’re ready to kickstart your project with a consultation, give us a call today.