Why Our Team is Called “The C.A.R.E Team”

elite-CARE holding flower

Why Our Team is Called “The C.A.R.E Team”

Simply put, Elite is a different kind of landscape company. When I joined our TEAM in August of 2012, I set out to learn as much about my new company as I could.  I knew how I felt about Elite- Taylor Milliken was sharp, committed and had a heart as big as Texas.  I sat across the conference room table listening to his vision for the company.   I observed the “thank you” letters from customers on the bulletin board and I thought, “Girl, this is the real deal.  A thriving, authentic, growing company….you better get on board this train!”   And so I did.   I traded in my high heels for work boots…(sigh) and put on my discovery hat to learn more about Elite.  I asked everyone the same question, “What makes us ELITE?”   I asked Taylor and sweet Megan.  And then I questioned our Account Manager, Field Supervisors and ground crews. To my surprise, everyone had the same answer…..”We care.” That’s it?  “That’s all you’re gonna give me to go on?”  I thought.  But sometimes, the simplest things are the truest things.  And this  was definitely the case here. As time went on, I coined a little acrostic to define Elite Landscape Company.  Here it is: C is for our culture.  Our culture is all about YOU.  We pride ourselves on listening to your needs and exceeding your expectations every time. A is “Attention to Detail”.  It’s always the little things that add up and separate the good from the great.  Our service, quality, and communication make us “elite”. R is respectWe respect our customers.  We respect your time.  We respect your budget.  We also respect ourselves.    We have a reputation for being reliable.  We do what we say we’re going to do.  Period. E is experience.  We want you to feel good when you think about Elite.  We want your overall experience to be a positive one. This is Elite. We care. This is why we’ve grown 380% in the last 3 years.  This is why our business is on fire and why we call ourselves a C.A.R.E.  team. Spring is right around the corner.  Contact us soon to receive a free quote!  I promise, you’ll want to be on board, too! – Shannon Warner